Welcome to Community Schools Alliance

To have municipalities become partners with school boards in making decisions about where new schools are built and where schools are closed. The Community Schools Alliance asked the Minister of Education and the Minister of Municipal Affairs to enact a ‘smart moratorium’ on all school closings disputed by municipalities. The objective of the smart moratorium is for the Ministry, school boards and municipalities to work together and develop policies addressing such issues as planning for the decline and growth of enrolments, a mutually agreed upon Accommodation Review Guideline, a review of the funding for rural, northern and small community schools and defining the working relationship, transparency and accountability between municipalities and school boards. The Community Schools Alliance believes that a better system is needed to address the educational facility needs in Ontario’s communities.
The greater our numbers, the stronger our voice!
A better system is needed.
The Community Schools Alliance believes that a better system is needed to address the educational facility needs in Ontario's communities.
A better system should:
ensure that school boards and municipal councils work together on decisions regarding education infrastructure
provide greater accountability for school board decisions
be developed through a review of the governance model for educational decisions
respect and value the input of students, parents, the community and municipality in the ARC process

To have municipal leaders work together to examine, support and develop the community's role in the areas of:
Capital Planning Accommodation Review Committees (ARCs)
Boundary Issues
Communities to share information and gather ideas.
Expanding the function of schools to become Community Hubs